Monday, April 2, 2012

"It's idler shares Fiona Apple, Date, Art, Track List

Fiona Apple will return on June 26, the singer revealed on his Facebook page on Monday. Her fourth album, ambitiously titled "idler wheel is smarter than a screw driver, and Strands Whipping give more than the ropes will never do," will offer 10 new songs, including some made ​​their debut during her recent concert. Dates, which started in the SXSW music festival in Austin, Texas, in March, were the first demonstrations of Apple's outside Los Angeles in five years. She also shares the new album cover art, sketches, colorful face with the elements of an abstract design. Apple's last effort was in 2005, "Extraordinary Machine" album, which came after the spill session with producer Jon Brion led to a "free fiona" protests of fans. 
 See the list of songs below:
1. Every Single Night
2. Daredevil
3. Valentine
4. Jonathan
5. Left Alone
6. Werewolf
7. Periphery
8. Regret
9. Anything We Want
10. Hot Knife


Robbie said...

Was this written by a robot?
I'm so curious.

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